The man used to go to the nightclub instead of the office, but still kept getting his salary, and that too continued for 10 years!

The man used to go to the nightclub instead of the office, but still kept getting his salary, and that too continued for 10 years!

When we are young, we think about growing up quickly and becoming self-dependent. We think that then life will go on freely, but it does not happen. Once you get a job, you have to plan even before taking a vacation, but today we will tell you about a person who hardly ever went to the office in 10 years of service.

You tell me, can anyone who has a full time job even think of going to a nightclub on a weekend? However, in Thailand, a person who had a government job went to a nightclub every night and did not go to the office for 10 years. The surprising thing is that this never affected his salary or bonus.

Instead of office, he used to go to nightclub everyday
The man from Thailand had a government job, but he was not interested in his work. This is the reason why he used to go to the nightclub every night instead of going to the office for the last 10 years. He was interested in singing and used to sing in the nightclub. He used to get tired by staying awake the whole night. After getting tired, the man was not fit to go to the office during the day. According to the report of South China Morning Post, the man worked in the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department. According to The Thaiger, even after all this, he was neither fired from the job nor was he ever punished.

Salary kept coming without going, bonus was also received
Not only this, the person also missed his salary or bonus. Yes, he was sometimes summoned. This matter came to light from a Facebook page named Watchdog. Even now the local administration has not clarified what action will be taken on this. According to the law of Thailand, the punishment for corruption is 10 years of imprisonment and a fine of Rs 5000 to 50000.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Bizarre news, Viral news

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